Frequently Asked Questions
We know that you’ll have questions about our procedures and protocol, and we thank you for helping us maintain our rules and standards. Check here for the answers to the questions most frequently asked of our office personnel. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please give us a call. We’re happy to help.
How can I stay well-informed of my child’s grades and academic progress?
We’re very happy to be able to provide you this important information through the Aeries Student Information System. Aeries is just another way we keep communication between home and school strong. It provides you with almost real-time access to your child’s grades, attendance history, and other important information. To receive your log-in information, please check out the following information:
Where can I find information about district policies?
It is our pleasure to share our district policies.
Is there a dress code at Tulare JUHSD?
Yes, the teachers, students, parents/guardians, and principals have established school rules governing student dress and grooming. The basics follow:
- We require students to wear clothing that is neat, clean, and acceptable in repair and appearance and within the bounds of decency, safety, and good taste as deemed appropriate by school administration.
- Students must wear shoes at all times
- We prohibit anything that denotes membership in gangs or that advocates drug use, violence, disruptive behavior, or that is offensive.
- We do not allow caps and hats on campus.
- We do not allow see-through, bare midriff, or fishnet blouses; spaghetti strap tops; low cut or revealing tops; muscle shirts; strapless tops; off-the-shoulder shirts; or undershirts.
- The length of shorts must be within the bounds of decency and in good taste as appropriate for school. All shorts, skirts, and skorts must reach mid-thigh. Students may not wear biker shorts as outer garments.
- We do not allow baggy or saggy clothes. Pants must fit at the waist, hips, crotch, and thighs. Students must tuck their belts into the pant loop.
- We do not permit students to wear clothing with inappropriate holes or frays.
- Students may not wear bandannas at school or school-sponsored events.
- Students may not wear towels, T-shirts, folded shirts, or any other clothing article around the neck, draped over the shoulder, or hanging from the pocket.
- Students may wear only sports jerseys with district/school logos on them.
Coaches and teachers may impose more stringent dress requirements to accommodate the specific needs of certain sports and/or classes. Please see our Dress and Grooming Policy document for more specific details.
What is the attendance policy at TJUHSD?
If your child must miss school, please call the school office that he/she attends on the day of his/her absence. Tulare Joint Union High School District has implemented an attendance policy that students must meet during the senior year for participation in commencement ceremonies.
- Seniors must not have more than 30 period absences throughout the senior year of high school to participate in commencement ceremonies. Seniors that have more than 30 period absences will still graduate and receive a diploma but will not be part of the commencement ceremonies.
- This is not an excused/unexcused absence policy. It is an attendance policy. We will count any absence against the 30 period absence requirements with the following exceptions:
- Doctor appointment or doctor mandated stay at home
- Subpoenas to court
- Funeral for an immediate family member
- Participation in a school activity (there will be a two day total college visitation maximum allowance)
- It is up to the student to bring verification from the doctor or court for an exception. Otherwise the absence will count against the policy. Students must bring in verification within five school days upon the return of the absence.
- Saturday School attendance (all four hours) may clear an absence. We do not allow banking of Saturday School credit.
What if my child needs to leave school early?
A parent or guardian must sign out and pick up students at the front office. Students with a valid driver’s license may leave campus with prior written permission from a parent/guardian and approval from the principal.
Will my child have access to the Internet while on campus?
Students can access the Internet for homework and school-related research from our computer lab, library, and some classrooms under the supervision of qualified school personnel. We require all students to abide by the district’s Acceptable Use Policy. Students are responsible for their behavior on school computer networks.
Can my student drive to and from school?
Yes, and student parking is available with a parking permit. However, students may not drive any time during school hours including class breaks and lunch periods. Also, students may not sit in their vehicles during the lunch period.
What are the Tulare Joint Union High School District Priorities?
We are very happy to share our district priorities. Please read about the Tulare Joint Union High School District Priorities here.